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The Feelings List

Can You Identify What You're Feeling?


One of the first steps to working with our emotions is to accurately identify what we are feeling. This is often more difficult than people think. It's not uncommon for people to confuse anger with frustration, or dread with anxiety. In fact, people also confuse what they are thinking for what they are feeling.


Yet, a better understanding of how we feel can help us take more appropriate actions to addressing what we find disturbing to our inner sense of peace.


For many of us, emotional intelligence wasn't taught in schools or in our homes. To help my clients understand their emotions better, I give them a list of feeling words. It can help them better identify what they are feeling and begin to choose their next steps with greater personal insight and increased confidence.

Download the Feelings List PDF


You can get started on your own journey of emotional discovery today with your own feeling list. Click the PDF icon to download this free PDF.

Click to download for free.

How to Use the Feeling List


While it may seem simple, finding the best word to describe your feelings can take some practice. Below are a few questions to ask yourself when using the list. The more you practice this, the better acquainted you'll become with your own emotional experience.


Questions to AskYourself with the Feelings List


  1. What word or words best describe how I feel at this moment?

  2. As I continue to look, is there possibly an even better word on the list to describe more accurately how I feel?

  3. Do I remember feeling this way before? If yes, when and what was the situation?


Need Support in the Process?


If processing your emotions and feelings feels too difficult to do alone, you can always get support. I help people through online therapy in Washington State and Oregon via telehealth.


Read more about the therapy services I offer if you would like to learn more. I help individuals, couples and families find greater inner peace and increased satisfaction with life.


You can also contact me to schedule a free 15-minute introductory call.

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